Sunday, August 4, 2013

Loving with a Childlike Heart

Sometimes children teach me more about loving and life than anyone else. I just have to share the beauty that I witnessed this afternoon.

I was in the Adoration chapel and in the front row was a family. There was a mom, a dad, and two little girls (probably around 5 and 8 years old). This in itself was precious - a family together in Adoration. As the parents were praying, the little girls were sitting there so peacefully. (After spending the summer taking small children to daily Mass I recognize what a feat it is to get them to sit still in Mass, let alone silent Adoration - these little girls today were awesome). The littler girl was holding a rosary and the older girl was drawing a picture. I looked closer and it turns out what she was drawing was Mama Mary, complete with blue veil and crown! It was absolutely precious. She was really taking her time and adding a lot of detail. Then as she finished, she showed her mom the drawing and asked her if she liked it. And if that wasn't enough, when the family got up to leave, they all bowed down and kissed the floor, and as the littlest girl was getting up she blew Jesus a kiss on her way out! Heart = melted. And naturally these little girls were wearing their cute little Sunday dresses.

But here's the thing. As they left the chapel I teared up a bit and it struck me. These little girls get it. It all comes down to love, and the thing about these little girls was everything about them just spoke of love. You could tell by looking at them that they knew how loved they were. By their parents, by Jesus... and in turn, they simply loved back. It was so little, so simple, but yet so profound.

All too often I think we try to complicate things. We get so caught up in all the details, but ultimately it comes down to one thing: love. Knowing that we are loved and loving in return.

Jesus, thank You for loving us. Teach us how to love with the heart of a child.

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