Sunday, July 28, 2013

Our Hearts Were Created for Love

My favorite chick flick of all time is Leap Year. After a rough day, there is nothing like sitting down, watching the movie, and eating some chocolate. But 27 Dresses, Pride and Prejudice, and Tangled are all up there on the list as well... But I don't think I'm alone in this, because almost every girl has her favorite chick flick. 

Why do we as women enjoy chick flicks and fairy tales so much? 

What is it about these stories of a man and woman falling in love and living happily ever after that we can't get enough of?

I would like to propose that the answer to those questions is actually very simple: our hearts were created for true love. But by true love I don't mean the gushy, superficial love that we see in Hollywood. I'm talking about a fulfilling, I will go so far as to say eternal, love that satisfies the longing each and every heart experiences. When we watch chick flicks, we are left wanting what we see. We long for a similar love story to happen in our own lives. And this is because we are created to love and to be loved. 

The thing is, before we can love and be loved by anyone else, we must first be fulfilled with Christ's love. Ultimately, His love is the only thing that will ever fully satisfy our longing hearts. Men will always fail us because they are human. We will be the happiest when we first allow our hearts to be filled with Christ's love and we find our identity in Him. You are a beloved daughter of the King! We must allow the Lord to gently whisper this truth into our heart: "You are beautiful. You are beloved. You are cherished. You are enough. I love you." It is then that we will be filled. Ask Him to show you how He sees you. You are so beautiful and beloved to Him! 

Women long to be sought after, and we find it very attractive when a man has enough character to fight for us. But what we don't recognize is that 
while we are waiting for the "perfect" man, the truly perfect man has been seeking after us for our whole life! He has a plan and will allow the right man - a man worthy of you - to step in at the right time. But as St. Josemaria Escriva put it so beautifully: "When you approach the tabernacle remember that He has been waiting for you for twenty centuries." The Lord is the perfect gentleman and is seeking after your heart! In other words, He is knocking on the door of your heart, all you need to do is open it! He wants to flood you with His love. He wants to satisfy you with His love. He wants to fill your little heart to the point of overflowing with His love. 
Ask Him to show you. Receive this love, beloved daughter. 

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